Domov /GF jsem AGM Přední.TA /Front terminal baterie 12V pro datová centra

Front terminal baterie 12V pro datová centra

AGM VRLA 12V 50~200 Ah
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  • Předmět číslo.:

    Front Terminal Acces
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    FOB & CIF
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    25 days
  • Navržen Život:

    10-12 years
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GEM GF Série baterie jsou na míru navrženy pro telekomunikační aplikace a datová centra. S přední terminál, přístup, uspořádání, baterie může být snadno instalován v modulární skříně & regálové systémy. Na GEM GF Série baterií přijmout AGM technologie, nových materiálu AGM separátor umožňuje velkou účinnost vnitřního re-kombinaci a vnitřní centralizované odvzdušnění, to dělá vnitřní mechanismus baterie běží na nízký tlak plynu tak, aby poskytovat naprosto bezpečné podmínky a vynikající spolehlivost i v případě kompaktní šířka baterií. Vysoce kvalitní Pb-Ca-Sn silnější desky jsou sestaveny na podporu dlouhou životnost, baterie by nabízet 12 let float služby. Samozhášecí materiál pro ABS případech je k dispozici.



Rozměr (v)
Rozměr (mm)
±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2
L (v) W (v) H (v) TH (v) L (mm) V (mm) H (mm) TH (mm)
GF 12-50 12 50 10.91 4.18 8.79 9.06 37.48 277 106 223 230 17.00 M8*16
GF 12-75 12 72 22.14 4.53 7.37 7.64 42.99 562 115 187 194 19.50 M8*16
GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14 4.53 7.37 7.64 57.32 562 115 187 194 26.00 M8*16
GF 12-100 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 66.14 394 110 286 286 30.00 M8*16
GF 12-110 12 110 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 72.75 394 110 286 286 33.00 M8*16
GF 12-105 12 105 19.98 4.33 8.79 9.38 70.55 507 110 223 238 32.00 M8*16
GF 12 až 120 12 120 21.71 4.29 9.46 9.46 89.73 551 109 240 240 40.70 M8*16
GF 12-125 12 125 21.47 4.14 12.41 12.41 88.62 545 105 315 315 40.20 M8*16
GF 12-155 12 155 21.71 4.33 11.35 11.35 106.92 551 110 288 288 48.50 M8*16
GF 12-170 12 170 21.67 4.93 11.03 11.03 112.43 550 125 280 280 51.00 M8*16
GF 12-180 12 180 21.67 4.93 11.03 11.03 119.05 550 125 280 280 54.00 M8*16
GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51 4.93 12.45 12.73 119.05 546 125 316 323 54.00 M8*16
GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51 4.93 12.45 12.73 123.46 546 125 316 323 56.00 M8*16
GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51 4.93 12.45 12.73 127.87 546 125 316 323 58.00 M8*16
GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10 4.93 12.45 12.45 112.43 561 125 316 316 51.00 M8*16
GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10 4.93 12.45 12.45 118.61 561 125 316 316 53.80 M8*16
GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10 4.93 12.45 12.45 128.97 561 125 316 316 58.50 M8*16

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GEM Baterie získá silný R&D schopnosti navrhnout a vyvinout vlastní/na míru modely baterií. Pokud nemůžete najít vhodný model z našeho webu, kontaktujte nás prosím. Zajistíme senior obchodní zástupci, aby sledovat váš případ.

GF12-50 (12V50AH)

      Item: GF 12-50 (12V50AH/10Hr)      Size: 277*106*223 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 17.00 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-75 (12V75AH)

      Item: GF 12-75 (12V75AH/10Hr)      Size: 562*115*187 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 19.50 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-100 (12V100AH)

      Item: GF 12-100 (12V100AH/10Hr)      Size: 394*110*286 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 26.00 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-105 (12V105AH)

      Item: GF 12-105 (12V105AH/10Hr)      Size: 507*110*223 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 32.00 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-110 (12V110AH)

      Item: GF 12-110 (12V110AH/10Hr)      Size: 394*110*286 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 33.00 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-120 (12V120AH)

      Item: GF 12-120 (12V120AH/10Hr)      Size: 551*109*240 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 40.70 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-125 (12V125AH)

      Item: GF 12-125 (12V125AH/10Hr)      Size: 545*105*315 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 40.20 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

GF12-155 (12V155AH)

      Item: GF 12-155 (12V155AH/10Hr)      Size: 551*110*288 mm (L*W*H)      Weight: 48.50 ( +5% kg/pc)      Terminal: M8*16 GEM I GF Series batteries are tailor-designed for telecom applications and the data centers. With the front terminal access layout, the batteries could be easily installed in modular cabinet & rack systems. The GEM I GF Series batteries adopt AGM technology, the new material AGM separator enables great efficiency of the internal gas re-combination and internal centralized venting operation, it makes the internal mechanism of the batteries running at low gas pressure so as to provide absolutely safe conditions and excellent reliability even if the compact width of the batteries. High quality Pb-Ca-Sn thicker plates are assembled to support long durability, the batteries would be offering 12 years float service time. Flame Retardant material for ABS cases is available. GEM I GF Series Voltage (V) Capacity (AH/10HR)   Dimension (in) Weight ±5% (lbs) Dimension (mm) Weight ±5% (kgs) Terminal ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2 L (in) W (in) H (in) TH (in) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) TH (mm) GF 12-50 12 50 10.91  4.18  8.79  9.06  37.48  277 106 223 230 17.00  M8*16 GF 12-75 12 72 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  42.99  562 115 187 194 19.50  M8*16 GF 12-75A 12 80 22.14  4.53  7.37  7.64  57.32  562 115 187 194 26.00  M8*16 GF 12-100 12 100 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  66.14  394 110 286 286 30.00  M8*16 GF 12-100B 12 100 15.52 4.33 11.27 11.27 68.34 394 110 286 286 31.00 M8*16 GF 12-110 12 110 15.52  4.33  11.27  11.27  72.75  394 110 286 286 33.00  M8*16 GF 12-105 12 105 19.98  4.33  8.79  9.38  70.55  507 110 223 238 32.00  M8*16 GF 12-120 12 120 21.71  4.29  9.46  9.46  89.73  551 109 240 240 40.70  M8*16 GF 12-125 12 125 21.47  4.14  12.41  12.41  88.62  545 105 315 315 40.20  M8*16 GF 12-155 12 155 21.71  4.33  11.35  11.35  106.92  551 110 288 288 48.50  M8*16 GF 12-170 12 170 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  112.43  550 125 280 280 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180 12 180 21.67  4.93  11.03  11.03  119.05  550 125 280 280 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-170A 12 170 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  119.05  546 125 316 323 54.00  M8*16 GF 12-180A 12 180 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  123.46  546 125 316 323 56.00  M8*16 GF 12-200A 12 200 21.51  4.93  12.45  12.73  127.87  546 125 316 323 58.00  M8*16 GF 12-170B 12 170 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  112.43  561 125 316 316 51.00  M8*16 GF 12-180B 12 180 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  118.61  561 125 316 316 53.80  M8*16 GF 12-200B 12 200 22.10  4.93  12.45  12.45  128.97  561 125 316 316 58.50  M8*16 To download the data sheet of specific model, please Contact us

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